Goodbye, is not goodbye forever

Just like Xiao Shenyang said in his crosstalk

"A lifetime is passed with eyes open and close"

That is truth, Who would have thought how a year could pass so quickly


2018, Elisa arrived


The host family held a Christmas party for Elisa to make her feel the atmosphere of this festival.


"Elisa"witch, at the Christmas party


We were so curious about Elisa's au pair life during this year.

At the time of leaving, we invited Elisa to do a quick interview.



问题.pngWhat do you think is the difference between China and Germany? How do you feel about your family? How does your family treat you? What are your daily activities?

Elisa:I think that in China, people are more friendly to us foreigner.er~ you will get more thing that just because you are a foreigner, that is different from Germany.people are like~~er~~ok,she is a foreigner.

when i am in China, sepecial all the people, they are just speak out on the street,we really not do this. 

Also,Chinese people use a lot of plastic,like we are everybody try to reduce plastics.Here just go"Here is another bag".

For me, my host family,they are really treat me like i am a part of the family. That is really diffcult at the begining but we are always try to do it.They always try to include me in everything. And i can say that i treat them very well. 

the kids like me.The host mom, sometimes we always talk together. I will say that they treat me very well. They are the best family.

When i am in Dongguan, in my free time, i read some books or i am going to watch something on my phone.Or sometime walk along the lake.

When I go to shenzhen on vacation, I will go to shenzhen north park with my friends, we will also go skating, we will also go to different malls and parks shopping. there are so many parks in Shenzhen. Of course, we have parties in the evening.


问题.pngWhat kind of challenge you had in China?What progress has been made over the course? To the family, what have you give to help them?

Elisa:One of  the challanges that i face is in the begining of course. Cluture shock, everything is so different from my home.For here is a big city, and you have to get use to a really different place. Basicly, you are alone, except the agency and the friends that you are going to meet. 

For me it is also challange because i am not in the same city as everybody else. To meet people, i have to take a long bus. In the end, to like it,to make it,to overcome all of this or maybe just get use to it.

Of course, the youngest child at the begining that he never seen a foreigner before, so it is hard in the begining to bulid a harmonious relationship, because he is afraid of me, but we also managed that in the end.

Of course my chinese imporved here(thanks to my great teacher~~)and also independent, on my own, it obviously help. I got more confident here.

First of all, i help the kids english, the elder kid's english get better, i mean he is already good, but he also get better. And the younger one, he can also speak a little bit englishby now, even some sentences. And then my house mon tell me that she also improed her english,because she talk to us sometime.

Another ting that i helping them to make them relax by taking care of the kids.


问题.pngWhat do you think of this program?

Elisa:I think it depands on what you expect and how the family treat you.

I mean,if you expect that they treat you as a fammily member, but they treat you as a teacher, that will not be a good experience, because you expectation will get down. But if you come to expect as an english teacher, and it do in the end, then it is ok. For me, i come to expect to be a member of the family, and the family made me feel(that i am) the part of the family. So i think you can have a really good time.

I think if you can get use to custom, use to the food, it really depent on the fammily. If you meet a good family, you will have a very good time here.


"Goodbye", it doesn't mean"goodbye forever", Elisa will come back to China to study in our beautiful Shenzhen university on March next year!After coming to China, Elisa not only helped children improve their English, but also learned Chinese culture and knowledge, and became a member of the family as expected.As the postcard says, "it was a wonderful experience. I had a great time and I can't wait to come back to China."

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