【Currency incoming】 Last week we received another 4 Au pair, let's have a look at this!

The first one is Yadira, she arrived at Shenzhen last Monday, she is from Columbia and she's 23 this year.

She like movie, swimming, cycling and also handcraft and baking.

Yadira like to try and study something new, she is a person with a huge personality and a warm hear, and

also willing to offer a help to others. Since Yadira’s mom is a teacher of kindergarten so she'll offer some

help to the kindergarten and help kid in making handcraft and sport.

One of her favourite thing is to help kid in reading. She always has passion angel gender to the kid and get

well along with the kid. In the coming one year she will experience a 1 year Au year life in China and hope

she will enjoy the time in China.

It happened to two Au pair land on Shenzhen on 28th February, one is Kim from Britain landed in Shenzhen,

another one is Dominique from Switzerland landed in HongKong.

Kim is 19 this year, she's from Britain so her native language is English, apart from English she can also speak

Welsh and some basic French. She is one in two British, one in four Canadian and one in four Chinese, her grandpa is a Chinese.

Kim also like movie like Disney movie and Ghibli movie (Spirited Away), her favourite movie production company

is Pixar. She also like drawing, reading and also love sport. I believe the host family kid can establish a solid relationship.

The other one is Dominique from Switzerland, she's 20 this year. Her native language is English and she can

also speak some French and Italian. She like reading, Karate, MMA, valley ball and can also play guitar.

Dominique always want to spend time in Au pair program and also interest in Chinese culture and would like

to learn some Chinese culture and willing to share some culture from Switzerland to the host family. Hope she'll

spend a pleasure time with the host family and gather a unforgettable memory.

The last Au pair was landed on Thursday, he’s from Spain called Valentin, he's 18 this year, graduated from high

school last year. He like swimming, running and all kinds of fitness.

Valentin is a enthusiastic geek who know about fixing PC and mobile phone, he especially like to make some video

and shoot video and also edit them. After the Au pair program he will focus himself on YouTube channel and study

in a movie school, he said he love making movie because it's the passion and joy of his life.

Valentin spent quite a long time in baby-sitter and child care. Because both of his parents are quite busy so he have

to take care of his sister since he was a kid. In the last Summer vacation he spent their time in the beach in South

Spain at his aunt home, at the same daytime he will also take care of his cousin. I'm sure the host family will like this Spanish boy.

Let's warmly welcome these 4 New Au pair, hope they will spend a wonderful time in China and get well along with

the host family, gather a unforgettable memory in China.

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