These two days of shenzhen, can be said to go out five minutes, sweat two hours!
36°C heat makes me feel like I haven't done anything, but I'm already sweating. How much lemonade can I drink!?
But even in the heat, our au pair still shows up at our classroom.On July 18, our humorous James will take on the role of teacher to explain everything au pair needs!
James is teaching
James is explaining the history of shenzhen, and the students were fascinated.
James is popularizing traditional Chinese festivals.
Chopsticks is one of the thing you must learn about in China, i mean, if you want to eat, am i right?
Roga is our teacher 19th of July
Roga is a powerful teacher
The purpose of the training is to enable au pairs to adapt to the new environment and integrate into their families as soon as possible, so as to ensure the programs goes well.
There were 4 aupairs at this presentation, teachers answered all the questions they have patiently.
After the presentation, aupairs have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and also au pair program, what a great harvest.
Everyone get a T-shirt after the presentation, they can’t wait to put it on.
What we can do to Emmy?
So far, the second presentation of this month has been successfully completed.
I believe our au pair have learned a lot from this presentation.
We also wish them a colorful and successful life in the future!